In addition to the gut–brain connection, I maintain a broad interest in the life sciences and enjoy speaking about anything relating to biology.
I have considerable experience with both live and pre-recorded TV and radio interviews (see Media & Press). ​
​I also love to speak to live audiences... for example I was a TEDx speaker, reached the Regional Finals of FameLab (national science communication competition) and was invited to speak by Guerilla Science at the popular music festival Secret Garden Party. I enjoy interacting with the public and answering their questions, including a Facebook Live interview with Oxford Sparks and speaking at an immersive science experience (sponsored by the Wellcome Trust) for both adults and children at the UK's largest comic convention, Thought Bubble. I am also interested in science policy and was selected to represent the Genetics Society to question senior politicians on science policy at the Houses of Parliament. In addition, I am often invited to give numerous professional talks, including to investment companies, start-ups, multinational corporations, advertising agencies and at academic conferences.